The ROH and Impact Wrestling situation has been well documented recently and it all surrounds the Hardys. Impact Wrestling caused Dish Network to drop ROH’s 15th Anniversary pay-per-view event recently because they claim ownership of the Broken Hardy gimmick and all that comes with it.
Impact sent cease and desist letters to anyone who has dealt with Matt and Jeff Hardy since their departure and apparently Dish Network thought it wasn’t worth the approximate 2,000 fans who ordered the event to risk legal action. But, it looks like ROH might have figured out a way to have their Hardy cake and eat it too without legal threats.
It looks like Ring of Honor has figured out a way to get around receiving another boat load of legal threats from Impact Wrestling as they are only offering the Supercard Of Honor event on their own website and through FITE TV. Although they don’t outright say it, this certainly sounds like a logical reason to make this move.
This is a very wise move as it will probably allow ROH and the Broken Hardys to do their thing without receiving more of these threats. Apparently the letters from Impact also hold little water as Reby Hardy has made it a hobby as of late to poke as many holes in their claims as possible.
ROH Supercard Of Honor XI will start at 6:00pm and will take place in the Jenkins Arena in Lakeland Florida. Tickets for the show are still available at the time of this writing as well. But if you can’t make it, there is thankfully a way to catch all the action from home.
Cody Rhodes obviously has some big things planned as well, so Supercard of Honor will surely be worth it. Cody is set to square off against Jay Lethal in a Texas Bullrope Match. We can’t wait for that one.
On a related Hardy note, the official Matt Hardy shop is now closed. However, ROH just released two new Matt and Jeff Hardy t-shirts. This only adds to the speculation surrounding a possible Hardy return to WWE, oh how the plot thickens.