
The Rock is one of the greatest WWE stars of all time, and he also happens to be one of the most popular movie stars on the planet, so it’s safe to say he’s influenced quite a few people. Rock inspired many of today’s WWE stars, and Mike Kanellis recently posted a photo of himself wearing a Rock shirt, and he noted that it was getting him through his workout.

Bennett was touched by greatness when The Great One Himself responded and encouraged Mike to keep having fun and stay safe.

We’ll see if Mike will be able to stay safe when he takes on Sami Zayn at Battleground.

At one point Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder were a tag team called The Major Brothers, and together they won the WWE Tag Team Titles together. It’s been a long time since the two stars worked as a team, and they’re currently on separate brands, but Ryder and Hawkins like to poke fun at each other from time to time. Curt Hawkis recently took a moment to call Zack Ryder “socially awkward” on Twitter, but it ended up backfiring on him.

Zack Ryder decided to hit Curt Hawkins back with a pretty decent burn, and Twitter seemed to appreciate it.

The war is surely far from over, but it’s safe to say Zack Ryder won this battle.

On this week’s episode we’re talking to Simon Grimm, aka Simon Gotch about what’s next for his career and more. In the episode Simon goes into some interesting ideas that he pitched to WWE creative, where he wants to wrestle next, and he also shares the story of how he found out The Vaudevillains were getting called up to the WWE main roster. We’re also sharing our predictions for the WWE Battleground pay-per-view and more. You can subscribe to Still Real Radio on iTunes, and you can also check out the latest episode below.