The Pros And Cons Of Having The McMahons In WWE Storylines


WWE is the house that Vince McMahon built and there is absolutely no denying that. When Vince McMahon wants to put himself or his family in a storyline he can do whatever the hell he wants because there is no one to stop him. Sometimes having the McMahons in WWE storylines is for the better and sometimes it’s for the worse.

The current storyline involving Triple H (and yes he is considered a McMahon now) abusing his power as COO has been hit or miss so far. It’s been a hit because it has a big time feel to it but it’s also been a miss because it also feels like it’s been done before. At this point it’s too early to judge how well this angle will work as it seems like it will be drawn out over a long period of time. There’s no denying that the Triple H COO storyline could be one of the best in recent years if it’s used to build new stars and push younger talent. There is however a little bit of reservation from those who fear that this is all just one big game (no pun intended) being played by Triple H so he can put himself back in the spotlight. Like I said we have to sit back and wait to see what happens.

Having the McMahons in storylines has made for some great moments such as the Vince McMahon/Steve Austin feud but it has also ruined some other potentially great storylines like when Triple H decided to stop all of CM Punk’s momentum two summers ago. There are always pros and cons of having the McMahons involved so without further ado let’s discuss some of them.


Pro: Putting The McMahons In a Storyline Makes It Seem Bigger

Like I said in the introduction putting the McMahons in a storyline automatically makes it seem important. As soon as Vince McMahon puts his fingerprints on a wrestlers storyline you automatically start to pay more attention. When Triple H, Stephanie, or Vince get involved it gives you the impression that something big is about to happen and the superstar that they are involved with must be the next big thing. In the end it fills the audience with a lot of hope that they might be watching the next big evolution of the company as a whole and from time to time getting the McMahons involved provides us with unforgettable moments that change the course of WWE history.


Con: It Feels Like It’s All Been Done Before

I know I can’t be alone when I say that watching the current McMahon storyline seems a little redundant. Haven’t we seen this all before? A talented WWE superstar wins the support of the fans and then the McMahons do whatever they can to knock him down just to spite the fans. It seems like it’s been done over and over and over and over again. I understand that there are only so many stories to be told and the classic power struggle between the fan favorite and their boss seems like it would always be an easy story to get over with the fans but that’s not always the case. Many of us that lived through the attitude era feel like this is just a rehash of the same old stuff and to an extent it is. Like I said I know that there are only so many different stories to be told but it seems like they just keep telling the same one with a slightly different cast of characters.


Pro: Triple H Is a Great Villain

When his career is all said and done whether you love him or hate him Triple H will go down as one of the greatest bad guys of all time. He has the power to make you hate him with the snap of his fingers. He knows how to get heat better than almost anyone in the game and he proves that week after week. When it comes to playing the authority figure who is drunk with power you can argue that not even Vince McMahon himself can do it as well as Triple H. Watching Triple H take control of WWE has been very entertaining so far and although we’ve seen a heel Triple H before seeing him portray an authority figure is fun especially for those that have been fans for a long time.

Triple H’s current character is easily one of the best villains in the last few years. The way he tells himself and the audience that he’s only doing what’s best for business is great because he comes off like a pathological liar that is trying to get everyone to buy in to his agenda. Triple H is doing a great job right now of playing the heel who is obviously evil as he still tries to convince us that he has everyone’s best interest in mind. There truly is no one better to play the antagonist in the current storyline than Triple H.


Con: Triple H Tends To Get Greedy

Having Triple H as the authority figure in this storyline has been pretty exciting so far but how long do you think it will be until he steps in to the ring and makes himself the centerpiece? If history is any indication it could be coming any time now. I honestly enjoy Triple H as the authority figure when he keeps his hands off of the superstars but when he steps in the ring with them…not so much. It’s not that Triple H has lost a step in the ring he’s still just as good as he ever was but the problem is that he seems to feel like he still needs to build his legacy.

Triple H doesn’t like to lose and he has a reputation for burying people which at this point is the last thing WWE needs. His legacy has already been built and there’s nothing he can do to destroy it now. He’s held just about every title in WWE multiple times, headlined WrestleMania multiple times, and worked with some of the biggest names this business has to offer. He doesn’t have to do anything more to get himself over or convince the audience that he’s a legend but he seems to think otherwise.

At first glance it would seem like this whole storyline is being built around Daniel Bryan as a way to get him over and solidify his main event status but that could easily change. At the drop of a hat if Triple H feels like he’s being overshadowed he could easily place himself right in the middle of this storyline and grant himself another title reign whenever he wants which would kill all of the momentum of this angle so far. Triple H abuses his power on screen and although I’m a big fan of his even I have to acknowledge that he abuses his power behind the scenes as well. If Triple H uses the current storyline as a way to simply feed his own ego instead of using it to get Daniel Bryan over then all hope is truly lost.


Pro: Getting The McMahons Involved Gets The Whole Roster Involved

One thing that has always been enjoyable about having the McMahons in a storyline is that it always seems to get multiple WWE superstars involved. During the attitude era you had many wrestlers trying to fight the corporation such as Mankind, Steve Austin, DX and many others which was great because it gave them a purpose as well as a storyline. The current McMahon storyline is working the same way as wrestlers such as Big Show, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes and others who might normally have no direction are clearly being built up to rebel against the powers that be. This gives the WWE a great opportunity to make some new stars or reestablish some old ones that might have fallen from grace.

With John Cena away the time is now to build new main eventers and putting mid-carders against the McMahons is an easy way to help them make the jump from mid-card to main event.


Con: The Roster Could Be Overshadowed

Having the roster face off against the McMahons could make or break many superstars. Either it’s going to catapult someone to the top or sink them back down to the bottom. Having mid-carders go up against Triple H or Randy Orton who is currently playing the corporate champion could help quite a few superstars climb up the ladder in WWE as we’ve recently seen with Cody Rhodes. Much like Triple H however Randy always seems to have his own agenda and likes to feed his own ego.

Randy Orton and Triple H are already established and although they do need to look powerful at this point in the storyline they don’t need to look unstoppable. Randy may have many good years left in his career but he doesn’t need to be at the top of WWE for months at a time what he needs to be doing now is putting younger stars over. We know he can do it as he had been doing it for the past few years before becoming champion again and it worked out great. Randy Orton has always been in the good graces of the McMahons and I understand the importance of putting him back at the top but if he just continues to look invincible while always getting the upper hand both he and Triple H could end up overshadowing some superstars that desperately need a push.


There you have it. That’s my two cents on why having the McMahons in the current storylines can either be a good thing or a bad thing. Like I said time will tell where this storyline goes and hopefully it’s used to make some new stars we will just have to wait and see. Where do you think this storyline is headed?




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  9. Photo credit: NASA/Aubrey GemignaniCygnus completes rendezvous with space stationSPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: July 19, 2014 Completing a three-day journey from Earth, an Orbital Sciences Corp. Cygnus spacecraft reached the International Space Station this week, resupplying the outpost with critical provisions, experiments and other needed cargo.The 16.8-foot-long, 10-foot diameter Cygnus supply ship was grappled by the space station’s robotic arm at 1036 GMT (6:36 a.m. EDT) Wednesday at the end of a laser-guided final approach from underneath the 450-ton research complex.It delivered more than 3,000 pounds of cargo to the space station.These photos from NASA, European Space Agency astronaut , and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, who runs a from the space station, show the spacecraft’s rendezvous and capture.The photos also show views inside the space station’s cupola, where commander Steve Swanson controlled the robot arm to grapple the approaching Cygnus spacecraft.See our for the latest news on the mission.

  10. Posted: January 30, 2014H0Main Engine IgnitionThe Ariane 5 rocket’s first stage Vulcain 2 main engine ignites and undergoes a thorough health check on the launch pad.H0+00:07.3LaunchProducing about 2.6 million pounds of thrust, the Ariane 5 rocket’s two solid rocket boosters ignite to lift the launcher into the sky.H0+00:12.6Start Pitch ManeuverThe Ariane 5 rocket begins to pitch over after rising vertically from the ELA-3 launch pad.H0+00:17.1Start Roll ManeuverThe Ariane 5 rocket starts its roll maneuver to head east away from the Guiana Space Center.H0+02:22Booster SeparationThe solid rocket boosters exhaust their propellant and are jettisoned from the Ariane 5’s first stage.H0+03:20Jettison Payload FairingThe two halves of the Ariane 5’s 5.4-meter, or 17.7-foot, diameter payload fairing are jettisoned once therocket leaves the thick lower atmosphere.H0+08:49Main Stage ShutdownThe cryogenic first stage’s Vulcain 2 main engine shuts down.H0+08:55Stage SeparationExplosive bolts fire to separate the Ariane 5’s first and second stages.H0+08:59Upper Stage IgnitionThe upper stage’s HM7B engine, burning liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, ignites to propel the ABS 2 and Athena-Fidus satellites to orbit.H0+25:05Upper Stage Shutdown 1The upper stage’s HM7B engine shuts down after reaching an orbit with a low point of 153 miles, a high point of 22,330 miles and an inclination of 6 degrees.H0+27:19ABS 2 SeparationThe Ariane 5 rocket deploys the ABS 2 communications satellite for Asia Broadcast Satellite of Hong Kong.H0+30:15Sylda 5 SeparationThe Sylda 5 dual-payload adapter is jettisoned to expose the Athena-Fidus satellite for separation.H0+32:28Athena-Fidus SeparationThe Ariane 5 rocket deploys the Athena-Fidus communications satellite to serve the French and Italian defense ministries.Data source: Arianespace/EADS AstriumFinal Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Ariane 5 launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

  11. STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: August 23, 2012 KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL–Two heavily shielded 1,400-pound satellites set for launch early Thursday will fly in tandem through Earth’s energetic Van Allen radiation belts in a two-year $686 million mission to probe the structure of the huge doughnut-shaped zones, how they are affected by titanic solar storms and the threat they pose to astronauts and costly spacecraft. Artist’s rendering showing two Radiation Belt Storm Probes around Earth. Credit: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryIn so doing, the twin Radiation Belt Storm Probes are expected to shed light on fundamental physics governing the behavior of fields and particles across the cosmos and on the more immediate impacts of space weather, which can cripple satellites, disrupt power grids, scramble communications and interfere with Global Positioning System navigation beacons.”We’ve been waiting for this mission for decades,” said Project Scientist Richard Fitzgerald of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. “The Van Allen belts were discovered in 1958 and since that time, we know something about the radiation belts but not enough. This mission is designed to really understand the whole solar interaction with the radiation belts and understand why they are excited (by the sun) and sometimes, why they’re not.”Said Nicola Fox, the deputy project scientist at APL: “The difficult thing for us to work out is why they’re changing, why they change at different times to seemingly similar drivers. We know that variations in the sun create strong geomagnetic storms here at Earth. But what we don’t understand is how we really, truly respond to them.””It’s almost like making a cake,” she told reporters earlier this week. “You know all the ingredients, but you’re not quite sure of the proportions of each piece.”A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket carrying both Radiation Belt Storm Probes — RBSP — spacecraft was poised for liftoff from launch complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 4:05 a.m. EDT (GMT-4), the opening of a 20-minute launch window. Assuming an on-time takeoff, the first RBSP spacecraft will be released into its planned orbit one hour and 18 minutes after launch, followed 13 minutes later by the second.The identical solar-powered satellites, built and operated by APL, will fly in slightly different orbits tilted 10 degrees to the equator with high points, or apogees, around 19,000 miles and low points, or perigees, around 315 miles. The spacecraft will periodically lap each other, passing as close as 100 miles and as far apart as 24,000 miles or so.The RBSP satellites will fly through both main radiation belts, using a suite of instruments to precisely measure the fields and particles, how the belts expand and contract as solar storms pass through and how they change over time.”That spatial and temporal data can be combined with data from another spacecraft … called the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which was launched in early 2010, so that we can at one time see the solar impulse into the Earth’s environment and radiation belts and then watch over time and space how those belts morph or change and respond,” said Mike Luther, NASA’s deputy science chief.”At the same time, the spacecraft will also contribute operationally as their data will be delivered in near real time to users all over the world so that those users can protect sensitive ground-based as well as space-based assets.”Two spacecraft are needed to distinguish between local or transient events and those that are more widespread.”If you imagine sitting on a life raft in the ocean and you suddenly go down and come up again, you don’t know very much about what caused you to go down and come up,” Fox said. “If you have a friend who is sitting on a life raft a little way away, you can say well, did we both go down and up at the same time? In which case it’s a big-scale feature like a tsunami. Did one of us go down and then the other one? How far apart did we see that feature, did it grow, did it shrink? And you can really start to look at the global dynamics of what’s happening in the radiation belts.”Discovered in 1958 by the first U.S. science satellite, Explorer 1, the Van Allen radiation belts are defined by Earth’s magnetic field, which traps electrically charged particles from from deep space and the sun, which periodically blasts torrents of high-energy particles toward Earth.Positively charged protons tend to get trapped in an inner belt that begins at the top of the atmosphere and extends out to about 4,000 miles. Negatively charged electrons populate a thicker outer belt that begins at an altitude of about 8,000 miles and extends through 26,000 miles. Powerful electric currents flow as the particles interact with the magnetic field, which can accelerate them to near light speed.Where magnetic field lines plunge into the atmosphere near the north and south poles, particles spiraling inward can bounce back out or crash into the upper atmosphere producing spectacular auroral displays. The RBSP satellites are equipped with eight heavily shielded, state-of-the-art instruments that can precisely measure field strength and particle energies.”We need eight (instruments) because we’re measuring across this huge energy range,” said Harlan Spence, a principal investigator from the University of New Hampshire. “From particles that are very, very low energy — in our units we talk about going down to one electron volt, very low energy — to particles that are moving near the speed of light at billions of electron volts. A huge energy range we have to cover. We’re looking at protons, electrons, helium and oxygen ions.”The picture is especially complex, he said, because “charged particles in the presence of a magnetic field have different motions. There’s a gyro motion, the particle will spiral around, gyrate around a magnetic field (line). In a magnetic field geometry that’s narrowing at different locations, they can bounce between these reflection points and lastly, they can drift across the field lines.”Uncounted trillions of particles are trapped in the radiation belts, “all moving in these complicated directions,” Spence said. “Part of our job is to (measure) the directionality. Why do we measure them? Killer electrons are space weather’s villains. They are fantastic things to observe from the point of view of the physics, there’s this cosmic accelerator literally above our heads that’s taking these particles and bringing them near to the speed of light. But they also can inflict damage.”RBSP, Spence said, “will go right to the scene of the crime to watch the radiation belt particles in action, along with their accomplices. What is it that accelerates these particles? It’s the electric and magnetic fields that determine their quote-unquote bad behavior.”Along with accelerating charged particles, causing the Van Allen belts to expand and become more powerful, the electric and magnetic fields that define the belts are what cause “the radiation belts to decrease, they can cause particles to hit the atmosphere so they’re lost and never come back,” said Craig Kletzing, a principal investigator at the University of Iowa.”So by measuring these fields, we have the other half of the puzzle, we have the particles and then we have the fields that cause them to change their behavior,” he said.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Atlas/AEHF launch timeline Posted: April 23, 2012 T-00:02.7Engine StartThe Russian-designed RD-180 main engine is ignited and undergoes checkout prior to launch.T+00:01.1LiftoffThe three strap-on solid rocket boosters are lit as the Atlas 5 vehicle, designated AV-031, lifts off and begins a vertical rise away from Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.T+01:56Jettison SRBsHaving burned out of propellant approximately 25 seconds earlier, the spent solid rocket boosters are jettisoned to fall into the Atlantic Ocean.T+03:34Nose Cone JettisonThe payload fairing that protected the AEHF 2 spacecraft during launch is separated once heating levels drop to predetermined limits.T+03:39Forward Load Reactor JettisonThe Forward Load Reactor deck that supported the payload fairing’s structure to Centaur upper stage is released seconds after the shroud’s jettison.T+04:18Main Engine CutoffThe RD-180 main engine completes its firing after consuming its kerosene and liquid oxygen fuel supply in the Atlas first stage.T+04:24Stage SeparationThe Common Core Booster first stage of the Atlas 5 rocket separates from the Centaur upper stage. Over the next few seconds, the Centaur engine liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen systems are readied for ignition.T+04:34Centaur Ignition 1The Centaur RL10 engine ignites for the longer of the two upper stage firings. This burn will inject the Centaur stage and AEHF 2 spacecraft into a parking orbit.T+13:57Centaur Cutoff 1The Centaur engine shuts down after arriving in a planned parking orbit. The vehicle enters a brief coast period lasting nearly 8 minutes before arriving at the required location in space for the second burn.T+22:06Centaur Ignition 2The Centaur re-ignites over the equatorial Atlantic to accelerate the payload into geosynchronous transfer orbit from the parking achieved earlier in the launch sequence.T+27:48Centaur Cutoff 2At the conclusion of its second firing, the Centaur will have delivered the AEHF 2 spacecraft into the targeted orbit with an apogee of 31,070 statute miles, perigee of 140 statute miles and inclination of 21 degrees.T+51:11Spacecraft SeparationThe U.S. military’s second Advanced Extremely High Frequency communications satellite is released into orbit from the Centaur upper stage to complete the AV-031 launch.Data source: United Launch Alliance.John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Atlas/DMSP F19 information sheet A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5-401 rocket (AV-044) will be used to launch the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Flight 19 military weather satellite for the U.S. Air Force. The polar orbiting satellite will collect global data on cloud movements, atmospheric profiles and the other ingredients needed by meteorologists to generate strike quality weather forecasts across the globe for the warfighter. The rocket stands 189 feet tall, weighs 737,000 pounds at launch and produces 860,000 pounds of sea-level thrust. The spacecraft is encapsulated in a 14-foot, diameter, 39-foot-tall aluminum payload fairing.The 10-minute launch window on April 3 opens at 7:46 a.m. local (10:46 a.m. EDT; 1446 GMT).


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