Possible Reason Why Kurt Angle Was Written Off TV This Week

kurt angle

Kurt Angle has been the General Manager of Monday Night Raw ever since the night after WrestleMania 33, but this week he was written off TV when Stephanie McMahon sent him on a forced vacation.

Angle hasn’t been shy about saying that he wants to return to the ring, and it sounds like WWE may have written him off TV in order to get ready for his next match.

Mike Johnson recently noted on PWInsider Elite Audio that Kurt Angle has been training for his next WWE match, so what happened on Raw could be the beginning of a new storyline for the WWE Hall of Famer (via Ringside News).

“Unless something has changed in the last 48 hours or so, Kurt Angle had been training for another return match. So it could be that this is the beginning of that storyline to bring him back to the wrestling ring. So either to move him temporarily from the General Manager or remove him completely from the General Manager and have him wrestle every now and again.”

Who do you want to see Kurt Angle wrestle next? Sound off in the comments below.


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