Paige Comments On Alberto Del Rio Taking A Shot At Her And Her Family


Former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio and Paige were a couple for a while, and at one point they were even engaged to be married.

But they went their separate ways a while ago, and according to Paige they haven’t been in contact for a year.

However, a fan recently commented on one of Alberto’s Instagram photos saying that his date was “waaaay better looking than Paige” and Alberto responded with the following:

“@professionallygg yes and this one doesn’t have more than 9 police reports against her , or 3 arrests in different states or committed in 2 mental hospitals like the one you mentioned did”

Paige recently reacted to the comments on Lilian Garcia’s Chasing Glory podcast, and she noted that the comments left her with more questions than answers (via WrestleZone).

“I chose not to reply to that at the second. It hurt my feelings; but, I didn’t want him to know it hurt my feelings at that point. It wasn’t like it hurt my feelings in like, ‘Oh, I can’t believe you said that about me.’ You’re making fun of someone that had mental health issues. Like, who does that? I’m glad that he’s moved on and found someone. I love that. I want him & I want his family to be happy. I just wanted him to leave me alone. After a year of us not being together, I never expected him to bring me up. I was like I’m not even gonna respond to that right now. I wish him the best of luck. You don’t make fun of someone that has mental health issues. He knew I was depressed and how I was at the bottom and I wanted to kill myself. He knew all that stuff, so to throw it out there like that is pretty mean. It’s uncalled for, unnecessary. I was like, ‘Am I being bullied right now? What is going on here?’”

As soon as Alberto’s comments went viral, the former Divas Champion got in touch with her family and told them to let the situation go.

“I told my family straightaway. I was like, ‘Don’t reply to him. He’s not even worth it.’ Right now, I’m at the stage of my life where I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I’m not gonna let someone like him bring me down. Maybe he’s not as successful as he wanted to be, I don’t know; but, I don’t have time for that. I don’t have time for that kind of stuff. I don’t know if it’s jealousy; but, it’s immature. He’s 41 years old. Don’t talk like that about a woman first of all, especially on the internet for everyone to see, especially when you’re in the public eye. Just keep your mouth shut. You don’t like me. That’s fine. We haven’t had any contact for over year. It just baffles me. Like, ‘What? Just leave me alone.’ It’s kind of laughable in the end. It’s like, ‘Come on dude, you look sad.’”


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