Mickie James On Vince McMahon Calling Her After She Received A Trash Bag From WWE

mickie james

A few weeks ago Mickie James was released from her contract, and the former WWE Women’s Champion got the wrestling world talking when she shared a photo revealing that WWE sent her belongings to her in a trash bag.

Mickie James also tagged Vince McMahon in her tweet, and she recently explained on GAW TV that the Chairman of the Board called her to apologize after Trash Gate went viral.

“I’m not saying that that is a directive from Vince, because Vince has always been respectful to me – Vince called me on the phone to apologize for this instant [the trash bag] and for me know that this is not what he thought of me. I honestly tagged Vince in that because I want him – he needs to know.

James went on to praise older male Superstars who return for big comebacks, but questioned why different standards are applied to the women of WWE when it comes to ageism.

“Because there’s a lot of stuff that happens underneath his nose that he’s completely oblivious to because he’s running a multi-billion dollar corporation that is publicly traded and I think this small-minded mentality or this thoughtless behavior is systematically – especially for me, to be constantly presented as old, or made to feel like you’re old when I’m 41 years old, and every single male champion that has been or come back or anything has always been my same age or even older than me and have been champions or been glorified for those reasons. As they should be, as they absolutely should be – they’re fucking amazing. But why is it different for women or for me? Ageism is a real thing and it’s bullshit…

“I am truly grateful for the strides we have made to be seen as more equal, but it’s not true for every single person, and sometimes that’s really really unfortunate. I just don’t know why I was made to feel like I didn’t deserve it. Because I feel like I did everything in my power to be a company girl.”

H/T CageSideSeats


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