Lance Storm Says Nakamura Botch Wasn’t All John Cena’s Fault

john cena

When John Cena and Shinsuke Nakamura met on SmackDown Live in a #1 contenders match they had an contest that will go down as a fine entry for a dream match. But during the encounter Cena landed weird off of a suplex move from Shinsuke and wound up right on the top of his head.

It was a scary looking bump to say the least but in the end, Cena was okay and so was Nakamura when he won clean.

On a recent episode of Killing The Town with Storm and Cyrus, Cyrus said a guy of John Cena’s size doesn’t take a lot of bumps on his head and it scared him when he saw the move go down. Then Lance Storm added his own viewpoint of the situation.

“There’s a few people that got upset about him and really wanted to jump on Nakamura for not taking care of Cena but with a bump like that — Cena is supposed to moonsault and land on his belly. That’s not something Cena does, like ever or particularly well anyway. So it really came down to Cena took the bump wrong — again I’m not putting full blame on John.”

“But you know if Cena and Nakamura do that move a lot and the guys always get over so I think it was just a case of John isn’t proficient at taking that move and realistically perhaps should have said no to it.” Storm continued, “But I can see John going you know, ‘do it we’re putting you over, we’re getting it in’ and he unfortunately landed badly. And that happens occasionally and watching some of the Japanese wrestling that I have in the past was no backdrop driver so I wasn’t surprised when Cena appeared to be okay but yeah, it was a really nasty landing. I think — I didn’t see it but several people did say you could see Nakamura say ‘sorry’ and John say ‘there’s nothing to be sorry about.'”

“But it is so good to see a competitive match with a clean decisive winner so we’re accomplishing something. Cena’s so over at this point it’s not like it’s gonna hurt him. But it’s good to see that level of a top guy willing to do business which isn’t always necessarily the case in the past. And those who continue to dislike John Cena or disrespect John Cena really need to rethink things because it’s like, that guy’s been busting his hump forever and when it comes time, the dude does business.”

They also agreed John Cena is smart because he realizes what is truely best for business. It’s a good thing Cena was able to get up after taking that bad bump, that’s for sure.

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit Killing The Town With Storm And Cyrus with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription


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