Josh Mathews Tells Wrestling Podcast Hosts To Shoot Themselves

josh mathews

Josh Mathews has been on a bit of a Twitter rampage as of late. Impact Wrestling recently released a “My First Day” video on their YouTube channel which featured Mathews making some comments that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. When asked about his first day in the Impact Zone, Mathews wasted no time hyping himself up.

“I make no bones about it that I think I’m the best play by play announcer in the world,” Mathews said during the interview. “There’s nobody that can touch what I do out there.”

The comments didn’t sit too well with the wrestling community and when various people called him out on Twitter he lashed out when he probably should have just backed down. Josh Mathews has since gone into full heel mode on Twitter, but many feel that one of his latest comments crossed the line.

A wrestling podcast by the name of Real Shoot Wrestling apparently got into it with Mathews on Twitter, and the Impact Wrestling announcer told the hosts they should, “really shoot yourselves.”

Josh Mathews has since deleted the tweet and Pro Wrestling Sheet is reporting that Impact Wrestling officials weren’t happy about what he wrote at all.

Mathews did however respond to a screenshot of the tweet by calling the person who runs the Real Shoot Wrestling Twitter account a “stooge.”

This heel character doesn’t seem to be doing Mathews any favors, but to be fair, he did have a pretty hilarious response when a fan asked him who his favorite wrestling commentator was when he was growing up.


  1. a) It’s a play on words, b) he was just told to shut the fuck up, telling them to shoot themselves seems an adequate response


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