John Cena Calls Out The Undertaker Again

john cena

For weeks now John Cena has been calling out The Undertaker, but Taker has yet to respond. Cena has challenged The Undertaker to a match at WrestleMania 34, and he’s even taunted him on social media, but The Deadman is nowhere to be found.

This week on Monday Night Raw, John Cena faced Kane in the main event, and he defeated the Big Red Machine in a no disqualification match after he hit him with an Attitude Adjustment through a table. Throughout the match Cena taunted Taker by imitating his mannerisms.

After the match was over, Cena looked dumbfounded as he grabbed a mic and continued to taunt The Undertaker. He called him a coward, and he told him silence isn’t an answer, it’s either “yes” or “no” and the crowd emphatically chanted “yes.”

John Cena said he’s fine with “no” because he’ll go to WrestleMania as a fan, but he told Taker to look at the energy the fans have when they chant for him.

He told Taker that he has one week to sum up his entire career, and he can do something, or he can do nothing, but if he does nothing, he will make it clear to everyone who has ever cared about The Undertaker, that he only cares about himself.

Cena finished his promo by saying that he hopes for the sake of all that is good inside the ring, he sees The Deadman next week.


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