Jim Ross On Triple H Vs. Daniel Bryan, Wyatt Vs. Cena And More


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with a new blog on JRsBarBQ.com. You can read some highlights below:

Loved the antagonist angst aka ‘heat’ that the show produced for the primary storyline going into WrestleMania 30 in NOLA. The opening segment was stellar. Now the winner of the HHH vs. Daniel Bryan one on one match is going into the main event, WWE Title bout with Triple Threat rules and that match now has more intrigue. Good booking from where I’m sitting.

The last segment of RAW rocked as I like “heat” (no jokes please) and HHH got an ample amount of steam on Daniel Bryan which added a great deal to the WM30 scenario. The hay is largely in the barn for this storyline but I’m anxious to see if WWE adds any thing new to the scenario that will culminate in a couple of weeks in the Super Dome in a likely show closing presentation.

Good stuff with the Shield on RAW even though I feel that there is something suspicious about their fan favorite turn as many Tweeted me about during the show @JRsBBQ. I am intrigued by this trio and what goes down with them at WM30.

Bray Wyatt had a great promo which is becoming the norm on Monday nights but it’s frightening to think how good Wyatt will be over time. Reminiscent of his grandfather Blackjack Mulligan who was a colorful promo talent in his vaunted heyday. Speaking of Bray Wyatt, I think it’s pretty cool to have a grandfather who was recruited to play college football for Bear Bryant and Blackjack’s personal recruiter was Bum Phillips, two football coaching legends. The kids got great DNA as his dad, IRS/Mike Rotunda, was grossly underrated.

A fresh match with an up and coming new star vs. the face of the company is an announcer’s dream. Wyatt vs John Cena is a match that certainly has my interest I think it will kick ass. I know it will be physical because that what two, former, college football offensive linemen do.

The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal with 30 men in an over the top rope rules scenario, BROTHER, is actually gaining more of my interest. The talents talking about being in it have piqued my curiosity. Funny how that works. I’m assuming that some talents will be in the Battle Royal and in other bouts at ‘Mania but that’s an assumption.

Got a kick out of Christian on commentary Monday night. Highly underrated talent who is a tremendous asset to WWE in a variety of ways. He and Sheamus have made their rivalry mean something with still more to come I’d think.


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