Jim Ross Blogs About Daniel Bryan/HBK, WWE2K14


Jim Ross recently updated his BLOG and touched on a few different subjects. You can read an excerpt below.

Daniel Bryan VS Shawn Michaels: “Loved the HBK-Daniel Bryan segment. Not sure where it’s going but I’d bet ample amounts of BBQ sauce it won’t culminate in a match between the two. If I’m right then creative can’t give me something that they can’t deliver and if I’m wrong…then I’m wrong and we likely get a helluva match with no clearly defined villain at this point in time.”

Ryback losing to CM Punk on RAW: “Surprised that Punk beat Ryback so convincingly. From day one, if Ryback had been put with a skilled tag team partner he likely would have been better off as he continues to evolve. I still think Ryback has value but am curious as to how WWE addresses his situation going forward.”

WWE2k14 Commentary: “The King and I provide the commentary on the 30 years of WrestleMania portion of the new, 2K Sports video game that’s on sale now. It likely will be the last time that King and I pair up and I hope that you will support our efforts with what is considered the best video game ever produced on a WWE platform.”


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