randy orton

Randy Orton recently made some interesting comments about independent wrestling on Twitter, and his comments have been a big topic of conversation in the wrestling world as of late. Some people agree with Randy Orton’s comments, some people disagree, but everyone has an opinion.

Related: John Morrison Reacts To Randy Orton’s Independent Wrestling Comments, Jim Ross Confirmed For Women’s Tournament

This weekend WrestleCircus held an event in Austin, Texas, and a few of the stars working the event decided to poke a little fun at Orton. The main event featured Rey Fenix, Juventud Guerrera and Pentagon Jr. facing off against Mr. 450, Sammy Guevara and Shane Strickland. At one point 450, Guevara and Strickland went to the top rope to perform a move, but Guevara stopped his teammates and said, “Wait, Randy Orton is on Twitter!”

All three men then agreed to get down off the top rope and they all proceeded to hit their opponents with the RKO then they followed up with Randy Orton’s signature pose. Check it out below.

A few weeks ago David Otunga and Byron Saxton both switched brands in the WWE Superstar Shake-up, but Otunga hasn’t been appearing on Raw because he’s busy filming a movie.

Booker T has been filling in for David Otunga while he’s away, and Booker recently announced that his run at the commentary table has been extended until the end of the summer.
