Impact Wrestling Adds Trademarks To Videos Featuring The Broken Hardys, Reby Hardy Reacts

the broken hardys

The legal battle between The Broken Hardys and Impact Wrestling over the true ownership of the Broken Universe has become a very public affair. Matt and Jeff Hardy parted ways with Impact Wrestling weeks ago, and although the Hardys tried to keep things peaceful, the situation has become a hot topic.

Matt Hardy and Reby Hardy have both taken to Twitter in recent weeks to tell the world that they are the rightful owners of the Broken Universe, and now Impact has made an interesting move.

Impact Wrestling has added a trademark symbol to all of the titles in their YouTube videos featuring footage of the Broken Hardys. The recent comments on the YouTube videos have been less than kind, but they’re nothing compared to Reby Sky’s latest rant about Impact Wrestling.

Reby Hardy has gone on several Twitter rants as of late directed at Jeff Jarrett, Ed Nordholm and other Impact Wrestling officials, and once she found out about the trademarks she did not react well, because according to her, she filed the trademark long ago.

It’s been reported that Matt and Jeff Hardy could be WWE bound, and it’s interesting to note that Reby also responded to a tweet from a fan who said that WWE lawyers could crush Impact like bugs. She simply replied by writing, “I know.”

You can see what Reby had to say below.



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