
Friday night the Ring of Honor War of the Worlds pay-per-view aired, and it was filled with quite a few action packed matches.

There was also a former WWE star in the house, as Simon Gotch was spotted at the event. Gotch was released from WWE a few weeks ago, and during a recent interview he said that the separation was mutual.

“They brought it to me and I agreed,” he said. “It was one of those things where I was unhappy, and they basically felt like the character had run its course. I said I agreed, and they said they wanted to exercise the termination clause in my contract. I agreed with that as well and we went from there.”

It remains to be seen if he’ll be working with ROH using forward, but he’ll be working the independent wrestling scene as Simon Grimm moving forward.

Speaking of independent wrestling, Ohio Valley Wrestling trainer Rip Rogers recently posted a message on Twitter that criticized indie wrestling, and it’s gotten an interesting response. You can see what he had to say below.


It appears that current WWE Champion Randy Orton agrees with the assessment of independent wrestling matches, as he retweeted the message.

Current Impact Wrestling star EC3 also appears to agree with the message.


  1. Considering the vast majority of Orton matches are all the same, I’m not sure he’s in a position to talk.