Edge Returning To WWE For SmackDown’s 900th Episode, The Latest On Shelton Benjamin


The 900th episode of WWE SmackDown is set to air on November 15th, and last week it was announced that The Undertaker will be making an appearance. Shane McMahon has just announced that WWE Hall of Famer Edge will also be appearing on the 900th episode, and he’ll be treating fans to a special edition of The Cutting Edge.


Edge recently noted on Twitter that he and Christian have been brainstorming ideas for the second season of the Edge & Christian Show That Totally Reeks of Awesomeness on the WWE Network.

So far it looks like the process is going a little slow.


Shortly after SmackDown went live on Tuesday nights it was announced that former Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin would be returning to the blue brand. However, Shelton Benjamin’s return had to be put on hold, as he underwent surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff.

Shelton noted on Twitter that his recovery is going well, but it’s still too soon for him to give a return date.



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