Daniel Bryan And Brie Bella Reveal The Gender Of Their Baby, Wrestling Road Diaries 3 Trailer


It’s no big secret that Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella have been trying to become parents for a while now, and it was recently revealed that Brie is pregnant. The happy couple now knows the gender of their baby, and they revealed to WWE.com that they’re having a girl.

“When I found out it was a girl, I actually got really emotional,” Brie Bella said. “I have such an amazing relationship with my mom and I think, wow, I’m going to have that with my daughter. Also, as a woman, I now have my own blood to follow my legacy. It’s such a special feeling — my mini me!”

SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan seems thrilled about the fact that they’re having a girl.

“I’m so excited we’re having a little girl,” he said. “I’m sure that, just like her mother, she’s going to steal my heart.”

The “Wrestling Road Diaries 3” is set to shit on November 6, 2016, and the film will be released on digital on November 11, 2016. This time around the “Wrestling Road Diaries” will focus on Colt Cabana, Grado and Kikutaro as they tour a variety of wrestling shows and give fans a look at the world of comedic pro wrestling.

You can pre-order the movie here and check out the latest trailer below.


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