Comments About Orton Haulted Dolph Ziggler’s Push?


It’s no surprise that Dolph Ziggler likes to speak his mind when conducting interviews outside of Wrestling. Often times he speaks his mind too truthfully though. For instance in an interview with from last September, Ziggler spoke about his frustration with his spot on the roster and name dropped Randy Orton who was the WWE Champion at the time. In a report from the comments about Orton during the interview are the reasons for the hault. Here’s an excerpt from the interview

“I’ve made it clear; I’m not patient at all – several times. I’ve been very vocal about my position on the card and in the company. I’m not trying to say ‘Hey, everybody sucks and I’m great!’ But I love doing this, and at some point you go ‘OK, It’s not my time right now and I got to figure something out’ And when it’s time, that’s when I must go out there and make as huge of an impact as I can and let everyone know ‘I dare you to follow that, I dare you try something better.’

And when they don’t (counter or match what I’m doing in the ring) I’m very outspoken about it and it can get me into very hot water (with the company). Then you never know where we’re going. Everybody can be just so outspoken about taller guys, and guys like Randy Orton being the face of the WWE, the WWE Championship. I dare you to put me in a back alley with Randy Orton or someone like that. I guarantee I’m not afraid of someone taller.”

Shortly after this Ziggler’s star fell from the sky. He spent the rest of the year in mid card matches with no real storyline. Aside from his 3 week feud on Raw against Damien Sandow, Ziggler didn’t see much from WWE creative.

Dolph Ziggler seems to be speaking his mind in hopes that the higher ups would hear him and realize he wants more, he wants to be the best but unfortunately this tactic is frowned upon nowadays. It worked for the likes of Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, and NWO but times have changed.

Ziggler is currently sidelined with a concussion sustained from a match with Ryback. Hopefully when he returns WWE will realize his talents and use them properly.



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