Cody Rhodes Explains Why He Asked For His WWE Release


Cody Rhodes recently announced that he had requested his release from WWE and now Cody has issued his official statement explaining why he left. In the statement Cody explains that he was frustrated with the Stardust character and that he had been pitching for the return of Cody Rhodes for the past six months. According to him he pitched ideas to every writer on the staff like a “door-to-door salesman” but he says his e-mails weren’t returned and he said that when he tried to pitch these ideas face to face the writers didn’t want to listen.

Cody also said that he felt like he had a bag of brass rings but when it came time for him to cash them in he found that he couldn’t do so. Cody says it was never about the money, it was about the moments and at one point he says “I’ll be damned if my father’s legacy is ‘Stardust’ or a series of sizzle-reels for NXT.” He says that he believes cream rises and hard work prevails but his work needs to be elsewhere.

Throughout the statement Cody is appreciative of Triple H and the talent in the locker room but he expresses frustration that he wasn’t able to do more. He says it was his goal to be WWE Champion and he spent a decade trying to convince Triple H and Vince McMahon that he could be their star player but they just didn’t see that in him.

In his closing statement Cody says he might end up finding out that he has a knack for movies and television and he teased that he may have already received an offer. But it doesn’t sound like he’s done with wrestling because the very last sentence in his statement reads, “As far as the future is concerned though, I’m a wrestler. So that’s what I’ll do…wrestle.”

WWE posted the following announcement on their website confirmed that Cody Rhodes has indeed been released:

WWE has come to terms on the release of Cody Rhodes as of today, May 22, 2016. WWE wishes Rhodes the best in all his future endeavors.

You can read his full statement below.


  1. Cody had to do what he had to do. He actually is a good superstar hopefully he is on another televised wrestling show or he actually gets to return as cody eventually because as stardust he proved he could act and proved he could wrestle as both himself and stardust.

  2. go to another promotion with a minimum of prestige.. Work there 2 or 3 years.?come back and they will treat you like a legend

  3. I agree, Not that Im at all a Fan of TNA he did say at one point he wanted to win the NWA title like his dad…might be worth it if they still are using that title


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