
Lana challenged Charlotte to a match this past week on SmackDown as she claimed that she wanted to prove that she was a “ravishing version of Tamina Snuka” the woman Lana has been seen becoming quite close to over the past few weeks.

The match went the way many of the WWE Universe expected, with Lana being easily defeated by Flair, who even applauded Lana’s effort following their matchup.

During the match, however, The Queen did have quite an embarrassing situation to deal with when Lana took hold of her shorts just as she was about to flip her and accidentally exposed Charlotte’s bare bottom to the live audience.

Luckily, viewers at home were not able to see much of the incident as cameras managed to cut away so that Charlotte’s posterior was only seen by the live audience, but it seems that one fan on Twitter wasn’t allowing Charlotte to get away with it that easily.

The fan tweeted:

Charlotte being ever the professional that she is, took the comment in stride and responded as only a queen can.

Charlotte doesn’t have a match scheduled for SummerSlam next weekend since it’s Natalya who will be facing the champion as she won the right to face Naomi back at Battleground, but it will be interesting to see if SmackDown’s creative team manage to find a way to use the rest of the SmackDown women’s roster on the show as well.