10 Of The Most Dangerous Falls To Ever Happen In WWE

You can't be a WWE superstar if you don't have guts. WWE superstars are known to take things to the limit when they want...

Photo Gallery Of Wrestling Related Fan Tattoos

Wrestling fans are really a one of a kind breed. We may not all agree on who to root for or who to boo, but...

That Face You Make When…Featuring: Paul Heyman

It was just a matter of time before ol' Paul E. joined the Face You Make When club. I mean pound for pound in...

10 Incredible WrestleMania Moments That Happened At WrestleMania XXX

WrestleMania is the grandest stage of them all and at WrestleMania XXX that stage had one of the best performances to date. WWE didn't...

WWE Makes Bold Statement By Pushing New Stars, Has A New Era Begun?

WWE has seemingly made the decision to go full throttle with pushing some of their finest prospects in the company. The last few WrestleManias...

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