Bruce Prichard Says Big Show Was In Terrible Shape In 1999

big show

On the latest episode of Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard, the new member of Impact Wrestling creative went into WrestleMania XV as their topic of conversation. While building toward the event, Bruce threw some bombs down on Big Show.

He said Big Show had multiple liposuction treatments before his WWF debut at St. Valentine’s Day Massacre where Paul Wight would emerge like the biggest whack-a-mole ever as he burst through the ring during the Stone Cold/Vince McMahon cage match.

“I think Big Show had a lot of liposuction in his time in between WCW and WWE,” Bruce said. When co-host Conrad Thompson inquired as to whether or not Vince McMahon asked for that Prichard said, “No, I think Show was looking for a short cut, frankly […] I do, I think he was looking at a way to come in and look great, and go ahead and do that instead of train. See, look at Big Show now. My god […] holy cow, he looks like a giant Superman with abs. It’s insane, but at the time Show was looking for a quick fix, he was not in shape when he came in-he hadn’t worked out in a while. But also, Vince wanted him to get in our ring, get him acclimated-before he was gonna put him in the ring to wrestle.”

Bruce says there was no plan to initially call Paul Wight “Big Nasty.” Vince McMahon wanted to call him Big Show since day one and Big Nasty was never even considered by WWE. Bruce says the reason the announce team called him Paul Wight during his debut and changed it the Big Show forever after that was because there was a slight idea to make it appear more real but decided to drop the idea and drop his real name in front of the Big Show name.



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