Broken Hardys vs. Young Bucks Is Now A Ladder Match

jeff hardy

There are plenty of things going on around Florida if you’re a professional wrestling fan, especially on WrestleMania weekend. The ROH Supercard of Honor XI show was already an amazing event with the highly-anticipated rematch between Broken Matt and Brother Nero as they take on Nick and Matt Jackson in the Young Bucks’ last chance to take the ROH titles from the Broken Hardys.

These two teams have a heated history with each other, and while they might be cordial at times their matches are anything but.

The Young Bucks say they’ve practically lost it all and this is apparently the last time they will get a shot to reclaim what they lost in such surprising and violent fashion. Now, this match for the ROH Tag Team Titles has even higher stakes, and we do mean high because the match for those pretty Ring of Honor tag team belts in Lakeland, Florida at Supercard of Honor XI is now a ladder match.

The last time the Bucks of Youth got a shot at the ROH Tag Titles at the 15th Anniversary ROH Show, they also had to contend with Roppongi Vice. There were plenty of ladder (and even thumb tack) spots throughout the highly graphic and intense match-up. Now with the added element of a ladder match at the Supercard of Honor show, who knows what these two extremely inventive teams will come up wth.



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