Apparently, when Booker T was moved off of commentary and replaced by Jonathan Coachman it left a bad taste in the 5 time World Champion’s mouth. But Booker T isn’t upset at The Coach, instead, he seems to be rather miffed at Corey Graves.

“If I catch Corey Graves on the street I’m gonna do something to him. I’m not gonna catch him at the office or anything like that. But if I catch Corey Graves […] I’m got gonna do it at the airport but if I catch Corey Graves on the street. You know that little bouffant haircut he’s got? I’m gonna rearrange it,” Booker T said on Heated Conversations and he sounded very serious about it.

“I’m just saying […] let me catch him at Starbucks, you know what I mean? I’m gonna tattoo him.”

“So that’s the skinny on Corey Grave and Booker T.” When Booker’s co-host asked him if Graves was a punk, he replied “You know what? He’s one of those guys who’s gonna have to walk it like he talks it.”

Booker T went on to say that Corey Graves was messing with his money by Booker T being moved off of Raw and he went on to challenge Corey to a fight at WrestleMania. Booker T probably knows Graves was retired very early due to concussions while in NXT, so he didn’t challenge him to an actual match. But a fight seems to be more up his alley at this juncture.

We’re not sure what happened exactly at this point. But Booker T didn’t sound too happy with the Savior Of Misbehavior at all. “Everybody knows my reputation, I get mean when you mess with my green and right now my green is being messed with.”

This situation doesn’t sound good and would lead us to believe that there could have been some drama and/or politicking backstage that led to Booker T being moved off of Raw. After all, Graves is on both Raw and SmackDown Live now and he’s a fantastic announcer. But, perhaps he didn’t want to give up his spot on Raw?

When Booker T was replaced by Coachman a lot of people thought it was a good decision by WWE, but maybe it wasn’t as cut and dry as once thought. Booker T is still on the kickoff show panel before pay-per-views, but it’s no weekly gig on the Raw announce team.

If you use the quotes in this article please credit Heated Conversations With Booker T with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription