Bobby Roode Opens Up About Jeff Jarrett’s WWE Hall Of Fame Induction


The announcement of Jeff Jarrett’s induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame was a surprise for a lot of people including Bobby Roode. The current US Champion knows Double J well because before he was the Glorious One in WWE, Roode was a member of Beer Money in TNA.

Roode and Jeff Jarrett have done a lot of business together and Bobby used his exposure in Impact Wrestling to get to where he is today. WWE recently caught up with Roode and he had nothing but good things to say about his friend Jeff Jarrett.

Everyone is happy for Double J, especially those who he worked with along the way like Bobby Roode. The Glorious One spoke about Jeff’s history in the business and how he translated that knowledge into a career.

During the interview, Bobby Roode didn’t mention Impact Wrestling by name and he was very tactful about not explicitly saying it. However, the person interviewing him asked about the impact Jeff Jarrett has had on other people’s careers while using the name of the competing wrestling company twice in the process.

“Guys like myself, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles… [Jarrett] gave us an opportunity to hone our craft and to become stars. We were basically unknowns and Jeff gave us all an opportunity back in 2002, 2003, 2004 whenever he was starting up his own company and he really gave us an opportunity to live our dream, mentored us, helped us and gave us a platform to do what we love to do and helped us become I guess world-known. Got our names out there, really kinda paved the way for getting us to where we are today in the WWE.”

It’s amazing to see Jeff Jarrett in the WWE Hall Of Fame and as his legend is solidified into Vince McMahon’s Museum Of Musclemen, it’s also great to know that all of his hard work in promoting others is still appreciated to this day.

Bobby Roode on how Jeff Jarrett prepared him for WWE: Exclusive, Feb. 24, 2018

If you use the quotes in this article please credit Still Real To Us for the transcription



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