becky lynch

Becky Lynch lost the SmackDown Women’s Championship to Asuka on Sunday night in the first ever women’s Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match, but even without gold around her waist Becky is still one of WWE’s most popular stars.

The Man may be one of WWE’s top stars at the moment, but her journey to the top was full of ups and downs.

Lynch opened up about her professional wrestling career on a recent episode of WWE Chronicle, and she explained why she decided to take a break from wrestling after hitting the independent scene hard early in her career.

“I left for seven years. Seven years. It was a lot of self sabotage, like, people talk about the fear of failure, right? But they also don’t talk enough, I think, about the fear of success. Because at the time, I was 19 and I was doing well. And I was making a name for myself. I also didn’t really have any support, or any backing, or any guidance. Like, my mom didn’t want me wrestling. And if you weren’t in WWE you were off fending for yourself and I wasn’t making a lot of money. I’d make like, what? $50 dollars a weekend, if even.”

“So it was just a lot of, I got so in my head. I got to succeed, I got to succeed, I got to succeed, I got to succeed. But then it was like, oh, but what if I do? And what if I’m not good enough? Ya know? And all these things. So I kinda got depressed, I got confused, I got lost, I got hurt in a match, and I kinda used that as an excuse to kinda step away. And I couldn’t even face up to the fact that I couldn’t face up to it. I had to hide behind the excuse of, oh, I’m hurt. Which is why I think I take extra exception to when I’m genuinely hurt and people are calling me out like I’m hiding behind something.”

Luckily Becky Lynch was able to get out of her own head, move on with her life, and chase her dream.

2018 has been a huge year for Becky Lynch, so it will definitely be interesting to see what the future holds as WrestleMania season approaches.

H/T Wrestling Inc.