austin aries

When news broke WWE was moving the Cruiserweight Title match featuring Neville and Austin Aries to the WrestleMania Kickoff show some people were upset. Social media actually blew up with a good amount of animosity toward the subject. We even felt it was sort of a slight. Some thought it could have only been for logistical reasons so the ring crew didn’t have to tape the ropes purple and change the mat to 205 Live colors in the middle of WrestleMania.

Regardless of reason, there were still some people who felt A Double and The King Of The Cruiserweights’ match at WrestleMania 33 could have been better suited for a spot on the main show. Austin Aries is a supreme performer and they call him The Greatest Man That Every Lived for a reason. Neville is remarkable and his change in demeanor to a heel persona has only lifted his character.

But, still they’re wrestling on the WrestleMania kickoff show on April 2nd.

But here’s the thing. The WrestleMania kickoff show will be free on social media like all kickoff shows. But, it will also be on the USA Network. Therefore, it will need to attract viewers. Putting a match like Austin Aries vs Neville on the WrestleMania kickoff show might seem like a slight to some, but to others who see the bigger picture it looks more like a smart move.

The SmackDown Women’s Championship match is also on the WrestleMania kickoff show. Naomi is back as well, which will probably bring plenty of interested viewers to see if she is able to reclaim her title. Both of these championship matches were placed strategically on the kickoff show for a reason, you can be sure of that.

Austin Aries decided to weigh in on the matter with a couple of tweets. There is no doubt it would have been nice to see Austin Aries get a WrestleMania moment on the main show, but this year they needed his match to bring in cable ratings on the USA Network and attract people into the show. A Double isn’t letting it bother him though as he brilliantly put it in the tweets below.