Austin Aries And Johnny Impact Get Into Heated Confrontation At Impact Hall Of Fame Ceremony

austin aries

It’s Bound For Glory weekend, and on Saturday night Impact Wrestling held their Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Abyss was inducted into the Impact Hall of Fame, but following the ceremony it was Austin Aries and Johnny Impact that people were talking about.

Aries recently took some shots at Johnny Impact and his wife via Twitter, and he later deleted the controversial comments.

When Austin Aries stepped up to the podium on Saturday night and he started to apologize for his comments, but then he took a shot at Johnny for capitalizing on the controversy by talking to TMZ Live.

Johnny then got up out of his seat and that’s when things got heated.

Aries and Impact had to be held back as they screamed at each other, and quite a few “f-bombs” were dropped.

The heated exchange can be seen in the video clip below.

Austin Aries is set to defend his Impact World Championship against Johnny Impact tonight at Bound For Glory.


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