Alberto Del Rio Takes A Shot At Paige

alberto del rio

Alberto El Patron’s relationship with Paige was full of drama, and they decided to part ways a while ago. The former WWE Champion recently shared a photo of himself hanging out with some friends, and the woman sitting next to Alberto caught the attention of the fans.

A fan posted a comment about the woman saying, “She’s waaaay better looking than Paige.. yes even Paige Latina version 2018.”

Alberto then used the opportunity to take a shot at Paige, as he responded to the comment with the following:

“@professionallygg yes and this one doesn’t have more than 9 police reports against her , or 3 arrests in different states or committed in 2 mental hospitals like the one you mentioned did”

“prideofmexico@prideofmexico and with real evidence not just lies from her LOSER BROTHER”



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