Adam Copeland’s First AEW PPV Match Revealed


Over the last few weeks Adam Copeland has been trying to make a decision regarding where he stands with Christian Cage, and this week the decision was made. Edge came down to the ring and teased that he would be teaming with Sting & Darby Allin at Full Gear, but Christian Cage interrupted him.

Christian said that whether Sting likes it or not he’s going to retire him at Full Gear. He also said that he’s the reason why Darby Allin currently has a gimp arm. Christian Cage then told Adam Copeland that if he doesn’t back down he’s going to snap his neck and leave him in a wheelchair.

Then Christian Cage sent Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne to the ring, but Adam Copeland took them out. Christian got in the ring for a stare down with Adam Copeland which ended with Luchasaurus attacking him from behind.

Nick Wayne grabbed two chairs then slid them to Christian. As Christian was setting Edge up on one of the chairs Sting and Darby Allin made the save. Christian got the upper hand on Darby Allin and beat him down in the corner. However, he turned around and immediately got hit with a spear from Copeland.

Adam Copeland told Christian Cage that it’s on. The Rated R Superstar told Sting and Darby that if they want a partner at Full Gear he’s their man. So now it’s official, Adam Copeland will team with Sting & Darby Allin to face Christian Cage, Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne at Full Gear.

Stay tuned for updates.