kurt angle

The life of a professional wrestler naturally creates an interesting story, and there’s no denying that Kurt Angle’s rise to the top of the industry was more interesting than most. The story of Angle going from the Olympics to the WWE Hall of Fame over the course of his career could make for quite the feature film which would lead to the question of who might star in such a movie.

It seems that Kurt Angle already has a name in mind as he noted on the Kurt Angle Show that if a biopic ever gets made he would want Chad Gable to play him.

“But I do want Chad Gable; if I ever do a movie, I want Chad Gable to play me because I love the kid, and he reminds me a lot of myself.”

During the infamous storyline where Kurt Angle revealed he had a son in 2017 there was speculation that Chad Gable could be the one to fill the role. Ultimately WWE decided to put Jason Jordan in the role, and Angle stated that he didn’t ask the company to make any changes.

“I didn’t ask because, you know, it wasn’t my place to ask. I could have if I wanted to, but they wanted to throw Jason at me, and I know it was Vince’s idea.”

Do you think Chad Gable would be a good fit to play Kurt Angle in a biopic? Sound off in the comments below.

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