3 Reasons Why A Daniel Bryan Title Run Is Best For Business


Daniel Bryan has had a somewhat bizarre rise to the top of the WWE.

He went from being a talented superstar that only die-hard wrestling fans loved to a fan favorite that just about everyone loves in a matter of a few short years. Like him or not Daniel Bryan is here to stay.

The reaction he gets is unlike anyone on the roster and the time to push him is now. If there has ever been a time to give Daniel Bryan a legitimate WWE title reign it’s now.


3. He’s A Great Performer


When you look at Daniel Bryan you most likely think to yourself that he looks like the most unlikely WWE superstar of all time. He’s short, his hair is greasy, and his beard is massive but all of these things are overlooked due to the fact that he’s so talented. Daniel Bryan is one of those guys that can make a good match a great match and he can do it with anyone. There’s no style that Daniel Bryan hasn’t mastered. He can brawl, he can fly, he can get technical and everything in between. Whether you like Daniel Bryan or you hate him you have to admit that his hard work in the ring gets you invested in his match.

Not only can Daniel Bryan bring it in the ring but he’s come a long way on the microphone. Daniel has managed to find his own voice that enables him to cut unique promos that help him identify with the crowd. From in ring work to mic work Daniel Bryan is total package.


2. The Chase Has Been Drawn Out Too Long


I’ve expressed my disappointment with the fact that WWE is drawing out the title chase too long and people often respond by saying Daniel Bryan is a title chaser not a title holder. I will have to say that I respectfully disagree. The fans have been fully behind Bryan for a very long time. All age groups and demographics find him appealing and it’s obvious that they want him as their champion.

The title chase for Daniel Bryan started the day John Cena announced that he would face Daniel Bryan at Summerslam which was months ago. It was obvious after the announcement that WWE was finally giving the people exactly what they wanted and that we were guaranteed something epic when it came to the Summerslam main event. Daniel Bryan went on to win the WWE title at Summerslam and I personally think that the WWE should have just left it at that.

Three months of Daniel Bryan getting screwed has become extremely stale and it’s causing people to lose interest. There’s no doubt that a large portion of the audience wants to see Daniel have a legitimate title run and I can understand the need to extend the chase but it’s just not coming off very well. Who wants to get invested in a champion when they know that the title will just be taken away from him the next day?


1. The Audience Wants It


Daniel Bryan is over with the crowd. Whether you love him or hate him you can’t deny that the reaction he gets is similar to the reaction that stars of the attitude era got. When Daniel’s music hits the crowd goes crazy and his merchandise appears to be flying off the shelves. Daniel Bryan has everything it takes to be the face of the company and if WWE just gave him a chance to look like a fighting champion they could potentially see a huge return on their investment.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the title chase has gone on too long. People didn’t want Daniel to chase the title in the first place they just wanted him to win it. There comes a point where you have to give the crowd what they want in order to do what’s best for business. People don’t want to see an underdog Daniel Bryan they want to see a dominant Daniel Bryan. People love to see a face champion beat challenger after challenger which is exactly why John Cena and CM Punk’s title reigns were so successful.

The time is now to make Daniel Bryan champion. Waiting any longer could cause the WWE to miss out on the opportunity to turn Daniel Bryan into the next big thing. This can all be accomplished by letting him win the title at Hell in a Cell and having him hold it for a few months. Whether you like it or not, that’s what’s best for business.



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