3 Awesome Matches From The 3 Faces Of Foley


Most professional wrestlers have a tough time perfecting one gimmick so you can imagine how much time and effort Mick Foley had to dedicate to perfecting 3. Dude Love, Mankind and Cactus Jack are three of the most memorable wrestling personas of all time and they all came from the brain of one man. Here we will relive some great moments from each different persona.


#3 – Dude Love Vs Steve Austin – Over The Edge

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1b2fnPG1c4″]

Dude Love is without a doubt the silliest face of Foley but he’s still impressive nonetheless. Nobody else on the planet could have pulled this gimmick off the way that Mick Foley did and he did it with style. Dude Love just wanted to be friends with everybody but here he found himself stuck directly in the middle of the Steve Austin/Vince McMahon feud. He may not have taken home the big one this time but Dude Love getting a shot at Stone Cold Steve Austin’s title was certainly one of the highlights of Dude’s career.


#2 – Mankind Vs The Rock – Empty Arena Match

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRBZuQK6jg4″]

It takes a special kind of performer to put on an entertaining match in an empty arena. Mankind and The Rock continued their heated feud during half time at the Super Bowl and they delivered a quality match that was one of a kind. These men are two of the best wrestlers to ever step foot in the ring and in this match they step foot just about everywhere else too.


#1 – Cactus Jack Vs Triple H – Street Fight – Raw

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2ohpJkHp-U”]

Cactus Jack had made a name for himself all over the world and when Mick Foley brought the character to WWE no one was ready for what was about to happen. Cactus takes Triple H to the limit in this street fight as he makes his debut on Monday Night Raw. This match foreshadows whats to come as a few years later Triple H and Cactus Jack would go on to have the rivalry that arguably put Triple H on the map.


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