The Young Bucks have their fair share of adversity in the form of cease and desist orders from WWE. However, they’re not going to let that bother them much because they were able to use their marketing savvy to turn this legitimate situation into some chicken salad for sale in the form of new merchandise.
There has been no shortage of people offering their support to The Young Bucks. IWS in Canada even offered themselves as sovereign territory for the Young Bucks. Apparently, they can throw up as many “too sweets” and “suck its” they want in Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn’s alma mater.
Joey Ryan and Bull James recently offered their support for Nick and Matt Jackson as well by doing a huge “too sweet” in the middle of the ring. It was a great gesture followed by a tweet from Ryan proclaiming how they’re supporting The Young Bucks.
Ryan can relate because plenty of people have come down on him for his YouPorn Plex. Of course, WWE has never sent a cease and desist letter to Joey Ryan saying they’re the only ones allowed to flip people using their bathing suit area.
Davey Boy Smith Jr. has been loving life in Japan since he left WWE and he hasn’t stopped being an amazing athlete. His arm strength is pretty outrageous. Smith recently took the chance to show off his push-up skills and it was a rather impressive display.
The 33-year-old second generation pro wrestler recently returned to New Japan Pro Wrestling as a member of Suzuki-gun. It’s a lot of fun to watch him wrestle because Davey Boy Smith Jr is still tearing it up.
Watching Davey Boy Smith Jr do all of these different types of push-ups makes my hands hurt. But it doesn’t look like it’s bothering Davey Boy one bit to show off for some mesmerized children at the FoxPit Gym in Nagoya when he recently showed up to teach a training seminar.