Young Bucks Not WWE Bound

young bucks

There have been few success stories quite like the Young Bucks. Their success has been widely documented as has their dominance in the merchandising market. They are too sweet, and they know it.

There was a time when the Young Bucks had too many championships to carry at once, but they slowly started dropping them as the months went on. There have been faint rumblings that WWE might want to give them a look, but those have been conflicting reports at best.

Matt and Nick Jackson just dropped their ROH Tag Team Titles and failed to get them back from the Broken Hardys at the Ring of Honor 15th Anniversary Show leading some to believe they might not acquire them again. Broken Matt said the Bucks of Youth have one more chance at the ROH Tag Team Titles and they’ll get it in a ladder match at the ROH Supercard of Honor XI show on April 1st.

One fan inquired to Dave Meltzer asking whether or not The Young Bucks dropping all that weight in regards to titles might be a sign they’re WWE bound. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter writer was quick to reply in succinct fashion.

There’s no doubt we would love to see the Young Bucks in the WWE but that seems unlikely on so many levels at this point. Number one: Vince would want a cut of that sweet, sweet Young Bucks licensing revenue and Nick and Matt have worked their butts off making their name into the money it is. Another thing is WWE would strip their in-ring move set completely. They do a lot of stuff in New Japan and ROH that would never fly with the liabilities WWE has in regards to public relations.

In the meantime, the Young Bucks will probably win back those ROH Tag Team Titles, as it looks like the Hardys are likely WWE bound.


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