WWE Monday Night Raw Results 9/8/2014



Steel Cage Match – Chris Jericho vs Bray Wyatt

Jericho begins to crawl to the cage door, and is half way out before Bray grabs him. Both men teeter on the outside of the cage, with Bray attacking the injured knee before falling to the outside.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Dolph Ziggler cuts a promo on The Miz and shows off embarrassing photos of him saying he hacked his phone.

AJ Lee and Paige vs Natalya and Rosa Mendez

AJ locks in the Black Widow and Rosa taps out.

Winners: AJ Lee and Paige

Cena cuts a promo with Heyman.

Seth Rollins vs Sheamus

Cesaro grabs the title, and Sheamus is now distracted. Rollins then goes for a roll up but Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus gets distracted again and Rollins takes advantage with a dropkick to the back. Rollins then hits the curb stomp for the 3 count.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Cesaro gets in the ring and then mocks Sheamus. Cesaro then hits the Neutralizer and stands tall with the United States title. We go to commercial break.

We return and are shown replays of the Mark Henry and Rusev feud so far. Mark Henry vs Rusev is now confirmed for Night of Champions.

We are given a video package for NXT Takeover this Thursday.

Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn vs Tyson Kidd and Tyler Breeze

Sami and Breeze start the match off. Zayn starts off the match in control with a couple of arm drags, and then begins to work the arm. Breeze Neville ends up hitting the Red Arrow for the 3 count on Breeze.

Winners: Adrian Neville and Sami Zayn

Jerry Springer does a terrible segment with The Bella twins.

Goldust and Stardust vs Los Matadores

Stardust distracts Los Matadores, and Goldust takes advantage. Stardust is tagged in and hits the Dark Matter for the 3 count.

Winners: Goldust and Stardust

Stardust and Goldust celebrate on the top of the stage, until The Usos come out and attack Stardust from behind with a crutch! Stardust and Goldust retreat as The Usos stand tall.

We get a tribute of Joan Rivers of her career as well as her tie to the wrestling industry.

Adam Rose vs Titus O’Neil

The beginning of the match is dominated by Titus. Heath then tries to attack the bunny, but the bunny dodges him and then hits a super kick on Slater. Rose then hits the Party Foul for the 3 count.

Winner: Adam Rose

After the match, the bunny hits a splash from the top rope on Titus.

We go backstage with Renee Young and Roman Reigns. Reigns says he doesn’t know what Orton meant earlier, but he knows that he is the Viper, but he has the antidote. We go to commercial break.

Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns

Orton calls for the RKO, but Reigns reverses it into the Superman Punch! Orton then calls Rollins and Kane out to come out. All three men then begin the assault.

Winner (By: DQ): Roman Reigns

Orton calls for the cage to lower, but Reigns takes out Rollins and Kane out of the ring! Reigns gets Orton alone and hits the spear! Rollins however jumps off the top right onto Roman. Kane then gets in and the beat down begins. Orton then grabs a chair and then begins to destroy Reigns. Rollins then finishes the assault with a Curb Stomp on the chair. The Authority stand tall to conclude Raw.


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