WWE Main Event Results 4/8/2014


WWE Main Event Results April 8, 2014

The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

Great back and forth match. The Shield finally get their win over The Wyatt Family. Ambrose is tagged in and Rollins hits the flying knee on Rowan. Ambrose follows it with Dirty Deeds to get the pin.

Winners: The Shield

Renee Young interviews The Shield. They talk about being united but Dean Ambrose can barely talk. He looks injured.

Zeb Colter cuts a promo on Cesaro and Heyman before Jack Swagger’s match.

Jack Swagger vs. Dolph Ziggler

 Swagger locks in the Patriot Lock by throwing Dolph Ziggler into the air and catching his ankle and Ziggy taps.

Winner: Jack Swagger


Sin Cara vs. Alexander Rusev

He hits a big slam on Sin Cara and makes Sin Cara tap to The Accolade.

Winner: Alexander Rusev

They announce that Daniel Bryan and The Usos are scheduled to face Randy Orton, Batista, and Kane this Friday on SmackDown. Main Event goes off the air


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