Has WWE Learned How To Use Their NXT Stars?


Samoa Joe has landed on the WWE main roster in a big way! Let us all rejoice and sing for Joe has arrived. Although excitement might be the first response, it is always quickly followed by trepidation.

WWE has an unfortunate history with misusing talent. For a while, they really dropped the ball with some of the more promising upstarts from their developmental brand, NXT. Bo Dallas and Adam Rose spring to mind when trying to come up with examples.

NXT superstars coming up would have an entire character’s worth of stories in developmental as their characters evolved in front of that small audience at Full Sail University, and on the WWE Network; then they would come to the main roster and Vince McMahon would change them to his liking. Not only did they alter a character, but also did that entertainer a great disservice by not presenting them as the next part of a previously told story.

All we knew about Adam Rose was that he liked to party. All we knew about Bo Dallas was that he liked to run around the ring screaming that he “did it.” There was no backstory presented for these characters, just vignettes like any other debuting superstar. Therefore audiences who weren’t privy to NXT had no idea who they were seeing or why they were doing what they were doing.

But, WWE looks like they have learned their lesson, and whether it is just a simple element of more involvement from Triple H or not; the main brand has started to really use their NXT talent.

There was nothing wrong about what WWE’s done with Enzo and Cass, The Shield, Bayley, or the Wyatts by the way. They were fire as soon as they debuted and they continue to make waves. We can only assume that they will all end up in title match situations sooner than later due to their current trajectory. And, we all know what happened to the Shield guys, they’re doing just fine, even if they aren’t in title matches.

These examples will only be referring to Neville and Sami Zayn specifically (mostly for time’s sake).

Neville more than floundered when he made his debut on the main roster and continued to participate in matches that weren’t highlighted or spotlighted at all except for his spectacular finishing maneuver. Another thing was lacking from Neville on the main roster, they gave him a personality that wasn’t his own. In NXT, he had respect. He had earned that respect through countless grueling matches.

In developmental, he was one of the originals. He was right there at the first Arrival special event, he was there in the beginning. Therefore, he didn’t have to say anything because everybody knew that he could back it up in the ring. But when he got the main roster call-up, Vince made him drop the Adrian, and gave him a cape.

As soon as the cruiserweight division was announced fans were foaming at the mouth to see Neville get in there with some of those competitors, but it never happened.

Then, after months of fan letters to Vince McMahon he had an epiphany one day when Michael PS Hayes dumped an entire bag full of letters requesting Neville to be in the cruiserweight division onto his desk like he was the judge in Miracle on 34th St. Neville rushed the ring after a Cruiserweight Title match and took everybody out. Not only did Vince answer our requests to put them in the cruiserweight division, but he also turned him heel.

Now Neville is the Cruiserweight Champion after capturing the title at the Royal Rumble and hopefully, he can be the shot in the arm that the cruiserweight division seems to be lacking. The only other cruiserweight that is considerably over would be Jack Gallagher.

Sami Zayn is doing exactly what he needs to be doing as well: having amazing matches. That encounter against Chris Jericho on the post-Royal Rumble Raw was perfect and it could have gone longer. He puts out match after match and they are all pretty darn impressive.

Zayn is a workhorse and he needs to be used as such. WWE really figured him out when they realized that all they needed to do was put him against someone he could work with and let him go.

The Underdog from the Underground can not only rejuvenate the mid-card and bring out quality wrestling matches, but he will hopefully attain some kind of gold in the process. It is thought that Jericho will likely hold onto that United States Championship until WrestleMania. But, after Zayn beat Jericho clean like he did tonight, anything is possible.

The way they debuted Samoa Joe on the main roster was outstanding. Although Meltzer reported that Joe against Cena at Mania was the plan; they might have made a different decision by debuting him on the red brand. Only time will well how they’ll use Samoa Joe as Triple H’s hitman, but it was certainly an impressive opening number for the Samoan Submission Machine.

While this story unfolds in front of us, let’s keep our fingers crossed that they will keep Joe strong and allow him to display the threatening dominance he is capable of. Rumors are that they didn’t debut him at the Rumble because they didn’t have him winning it. This would lead one to assume that they have other plans for him that are just as big.

Let’s just hope they do Tye Dillinger right. His charisma can take him far, and they should be wary to relegate him to any type of jobber status. They didn’t quite know how to use him when he was Gavin Spears, hopefully the Perfect 10 will have better luck.

There are unfortunately a few superstars from developmental that WWE hasn’t quite figured out yet like American Alpha or Apollo Crews, but they very well might be well on their way. Creed, I mean Crews more so than Alpha seeing that they are currently that Tag Team Champions on the blue brand. But there is still some work that needs to be done for sure as both of these guys find their footing.

This is the fun part about wrestling; and the even better thing about WWE.  Fans can watch these characters grow on NXT and see their careers unfold on a larger scale once they get to the main brand.

The WWE network exists so that future generations can look back at current superstars and legends from the past to see their evolution throughout NXT. In a sense, WWE is creating its own prequels. Essentially, Vince and Triple H are like the George Lucas and Jim Henson of professional wrestling.

Let’s just hope that WWE never sells out to Disney.



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