Why The NXT Call-Ups Had Awkward Debuts On WWE TV This Week


A few weeks ago it was announced that NXT stars Lars Sullivan, EC3, Lacey Evans, Heavy Machinery and Nikki Cross would be joining the main roster.

This week on Raw, fans saw EC3 appear backstage but he didn’t say anything, Lavey Evans also made a similar backstage appearance, and Otis Dozovic of Heavy Machinery interrupted A Moment of Bliss.

Nikki Cross actually wrestled a match, and seemed to be the only one out of the group who had a somewhat normal debut.

It was also announced that the NXT call-ups will be going back and forth between Raw and SmackDown Live for now.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Vince McMahon is of the mentality that he just wants people to see their faces on television.

WWE hasn’t decided how to use the new NXT call-ups yet, but Vince feels that people seeing them is what matter so that when they do decide how they want to use them people will already know who they are.

Otis Dozovic interrupts



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