When AJ Styles and Kevin Owens had their recent program in WWE it was a dream match for a lot of people. After all, since Kevin came from ROH and AJ famously dominated TNA at the same time it would appear to the casual fan these two amazing sports entertainers had never locked horns in the ring. If they believed that though, they’d be very wrong.

Kevin Owens (when he was still going by his real last name, Steen) and AJ Styles actually met in Canada over twelve years ago and the footage recently surfaced online thanks to Brian The Guppie. Unless you were fortunate to get this DVD which is way out of print by now this is the only way to see AJ and Kevin’s first match against each other.

It’s not every day when a treasure like this drops online, but this amazing gem of a match is available for all to see now and it’s nothing short of incredible.

It’s almost like the booker for this show realized how special this match was when he gave them as much time as he did. It was a special match for many reasons including the fact it took place on Kevin Steen’s 21st birthday. Of course, since he’s Canadian Kevin was able to drink alcohol since he was 18 which is why a sign in the crowd proudly proclaims that Kevin was officially old enough to drink in The States.

These two had an amazing contest and you really just have to see it for yourself. It’s insane how they were that good so long ago and they’ve only gotten better with age.

It’s outstanding to see these guys go at it like this. It’s also pretty insane to watch AJ hit a Styles Clash on Kevin from the apron to the floor which is a move I’m betting wouldn’t even be considered in today’s WWE.

I won’t spoil who won their contest twelve years ago, but in all honesty, the fans are really the ones who came out winning in this situation. Enjoy this priceless footage.
