
The wrestling world has been buzzing about the new WWE series “Southpaw Regional Wrestling.” The show is a comedy series that features top names such as John Cena, Chris Jericho, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and more. The show takes place in the year 1987 and it accurately captures the time period. The first four episodes of the series have been released and they can be viewed below.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Alex Riley had an interesting career with WWE. He was paired with The Miz early on and he even accompanied The Miz to the ring during the main event of WrestleMania 27.

After The Miz lost his title he started talking down to Alex Riley, and once Riley decided to fight back, the crowd went nuts. Riley was featured in top matches on Raw for a few weeks and it looked like WWE officials were ready to give him a push, but it all came to a screeching halt.

Alex Riley was then sent to NXT where he worked as a commentator before WWE officials eventually let him return to the ring. The whole situation was bizarre to say the least and there are a lot of rumors out there regarding why Alex Riley’s WWE run didn’t work out.

Although Riley may no longer be a WWE star, he still has friends that work for the company and he recently met up with Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder.

Zack Ryder shared a few photos of their big night out in Las Vegas on his Instagram and you can follow along with their shenanigans below.

