chris jericho

They say that anything can happen when you attend a professional wrestling event, and from time to time fans jump over the railing and try to get in on the action. Wednesday night during AEW Dynamite: Road Rager, Chris Jericho and MJF made their way out into the arena for a contract signing, and a fan tried to get in the ring. The fan was stopped by security, and Chris Jericho also took a swing at the fan.

More footage of the incident has surfaced online, and a fan who was in attendance captured a video of the fan being dragged out of the venue by security.

After the fan was subdued by security MJF invited all the other “white trash hicks” to get in the ring too she he could beat them up.

On Dynamite this week Jericho agreed to face four opponents of MJF’s choosing in a gauntlet of stipulation matches, and if Jericho wins all four matches he will earn the right to face MJF again. Stay tuned for updates.