Watch Austin Aries Make His NXT Debut


Wednesday night was the night that Austin Aries fans had been waiting for. Aries made his big debut with NXT on Wednesday’s episode and it was an epic moment. Well it started off pretty epic anyway.

After being introduced by William Regal, Aries was attempting to make his way to the ring when Baron Corbin attacked him from behind and spoiled his moment. Corbin beat Austin Aries down before he was even able to make it to the ring. You can check out a clip featuring the debut and the beating above.

WWE also released a post-beat down video which shows General Manager William Regal checkin on Aries. He makes his way to the back with a little help from some referees as the crowd chants his name.

You can check out it below.

Aries doesn't need sympathy: March 2, 2016



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