Triple H Reportedly Loves Current WWE Star


Triple H took over WWE creative last summer and since then he’s been making changes to the product. The Game put Imperium back together with current WWE Intercontinental Champion Gunther at the forefront, and there’s no denying that the Ring General has looked impressive as of late.

WrestleVotes recently spoke to GiveMeSport about Gunther’s status and noted that he currently has a lot of support from not just Triple H, but other notable names backstage as well.

“Triple H loves him. They all love him ever since he came into his own at Clash at the Castle. I’m not just talking about Triple H, Road Dogg is big on him, Jason Jordan really likes him.”

Right now Roman Reigns is carrying both world titles as the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, but there’s some speculation that Gunther could end up in the main event scene once the titles are split.

“Once WWE gets two World titles, you double the amount of people in the main event. Gunther is ready to step up. I expect by the summer to see him at the top of the card. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wins a World title. He might be next in line.”

Do you think Gunther has what it takes to become a main eventer in WWE? Sound off in the comments below.


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