The Undertaker Reacts To Triple H Taking Over WWE Creative


Recently Vince McMahon retired from WWE and now Triple H is in charge of creative for the company. There’s a lot of excitement surrounding Triple H’s new role as everyone from the fans to the talent are anxious to see what lies ahead.

During an interview with ESPN, WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker talked about what changes could be coming, and he indicated that he thinks the product will be moree aggressive moving forward.

“They’re loosening the reins a little bit as far as what guys can say and do. I think the product will probably be a little more aggressive. I think that’s going to come through in the creative. They’ve kind of been in this entertainment mode, so they’re going to have to get some grit and meanness. Those things are going to help because WWE is going to do it better than anybody else, and they don’t throw things away. Hopefully, a lot of people there know how to rein things in and make things like that mean something instead of just doing it to do it.”

The Deadman also brought up Triple H’s new role in WWE creative, and he praised The Game while saying that Triple H taking over will be a step in the right direction.

“I mean, he’s brilliant, he really is. I don’t think he gets enough credit for his wrestling acumen. I think he’ll be a huge asset to the development of a lot of guys, and he’s a no bulls— kind of guy too. He’s going to let you know what you’re doing that’s right and what you’re doing that’s wrong. I think it’s going to be a step in the right direction with Hunter [Triple H].”


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