The Stone Cold Podcast Could Return To WWE Network With A Huge Guest

stone cold podcast

When the WWE Network launched the company was in need of some original content, so they turned to the one and only “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. WWE and Steve Austin teamed up for the Stone Cold Podcast, and at first the show was must see television.

With his first few guests Steve Austin held nothing back, and asked all the tough questions, but eventually WWE tamed down the show quite a bit

The last Stone Cold Podcast that aired on the WWE Network featured Dean Ambrose, and the episode was met with mixed reviews from fans, but it looks like the show could be returning in the future.

Sportskeeda is reporting that The Undertaker, The New Day, The Hardy Boyz, Goldberg, Charlotte Flair, Kurt Angle and WWE Champion Randy Orton are all being considered for upcoming episodes of the Stone Cold Podcast on the WWE Network.

The report notes that the return of the podcast mainly depends on whether or not The Undertaker wants to participate. The Deadman wrestled Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33 a few weeks ago, and Reigns was able to defeat the legendary star. It’s believed that the match was Undertaker’s last.

It was also recently reported that Mark Calaway may have retired The Undertaker character for good, so if he does make an appearance on an upcoming episode of the Stone Cold Podcast it would definitely be must see television.


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