Steve Austin recently spoke to MTV about being on the cover of WWE 2K16 and during the interview he talked about why he’s a big Finn Balor fan. See what he had to say below:

“I know Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Paige, Bad News Barrett [are all included]… but Finn Balor, I think, is going to be an interesting addition to the game. Here’s a guy from Ireland who’s been around for about 15 years, give or take – a guy with his experience and moveset and the different paint jobs he wears to the ring, he’s very entertaining guy and I’m looking forward to big things from him.

“I know this is the biggest roster they’ve ever had in this series of WWE games from 2K – but for me to speculate who could be on there, I have no idea. I have heard some very interesting rumours but I cannot speak to those rumours. But it should be a very cool and – if I might say so – completely badass roster!”

You can check out the full interview HERE.