Stephanie McMahon On Hoping Evolution Will Be The WrestleMania Of The Women’s Division


On Monday Night Raw this week, Stephanie McMahon announced the first ever all women’s pay-per-view event which will be known as Evolution.

The Raw, SmackDown, NXT and NXT UK Women’s Championships will be defended at the event, and the Mae Young Classic finals will also take place at Evolution.

October 28th is shaping up to be a historic night for women’s wrestling, and Stephanie McMahon told ESPN that WWE is going all out for the show.

“What’s awesome about this pay-per-view event is that it’s being treated the same as every other pay-per-view, because we believe in it so much,” McMahon said. “It has the creative writing team. It has all of our live events production, talent relations — all of the different departments that go into making every pay-per-view a success are behind this pay-per-view.”

Stephanie still hasn’t confirmed whether or not she’ll be returning to the ring at the event, but she did note that her goal is to make the show as big as it can possibly be.

“In terms of my role, I’m going to do everything I can to make it as big and as successful as it can possibly be. I’m hoping, at any rate, that this is going to be the WrestleMania of the women’s division.”



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