Cody Rhodes has been feuding with The Bloodline for quite some time and on Saturday night he teamed with Kevin Owens & Randy Orton to face Solo Sikoa, Tama Tonga and Jacob Fatu in the main event at Money in the Bank.

Near the end of the match Cody went for the Pedigree, but Solo got out of it. Solo went for a clothesline, but accidentally hit the referee. Cody hit Solo with the Cross Rhodes then Kevin Owens went to the top rope for a Frog Splash on Solo. They signaled to Randy Orton who hit Solo with the RKO.

Cody Rhodes cleared off the announce table and Cody, Randy Orton and KO set Solo up for the triple powerbomb, but Jacob Fatu broke it up. Kevin Owens threw a giant Prime bottle at Jacob Fatu then set him up on the announce table. Owens put Fatu through the table with a Frog Splash off the barricade.

Owens brought Tama Tonga in the ring for a powerbomb, but Tonga Loa got in the ring and hit Owens with a low blow. Randy Orton hit Tonga Loa with the RKO then did the same to Tama Tonga. He went for the RKO on Solo, but Solo hit the Samoan Spike. Cody entered the ring and hit Solo with the Cross Rhodes twice. He went for a third that was interrupted by Jacob Fatu.

Near the end of the match came when Jacob Fatu picked Cody up then Solo hit him with the Samoan Spike. Jacob Fatu picked the ref up and put him back inside the ring as Solo covered Cody to win the match. After the match Jacob Fatu put the Ula Fala on Solo Sikoa as The Bloodline put their ones up.