Sexy Star Pulled From WrestleCade, Cody Rhodes, Road Dogg And Paige Comment On Incident With Rosemary


Sexy Star drastically hurt her own reputation this weekend after she defended the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship at Triplemania XXV. Sexy Star made Rosemary tap out, but after Rosemary tapped, Star continued to apply pressure to Rosemary’s arm as she popped it out of place.

Related: The Wrestling World Is Furious With Sexy Star After She Legitimately Injured Rosemary At AAA Triplemania

Rosemary recently issued a statement saying that the incident was not a work, and it looks like Sexy Star might have some trouble finding work in the future. Wrestlers don’t always get along in real life, but they do take care of each other inside the ring because safety comes first in the world of professional wrestling, but it seems that there aren’t too many people out there who are willing to put their trust in Sexy Star.

WrestleCade will be returning to Winston-Salem, NC, in November, and Sexy Star was originally set to be a part of the event, but she has since been pulled. WrestleCade issued the following statement saying that fans who purchased meet and greet tickets will be receiving full refunds.

The stars of the wrestling world have had plenty to say about Star’s actions over the last few days, and you can see what Cody Rhodes, Road Dogg and others are saying below.


  1. Wow. Can’t believe she did that. And why? She just put a bullet in her career. I was such a huge fan of hers in LU.


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