It’s Rusev Day every day, even though WWE might not realize this fact all the time. But as the fans continue to support the Bulgarian Brute, it makes it all that much harder for WWE to ignore Rusev and his charisma. His Rusev Day t-shirts are still selling like hotcakes and it seems WWE is adding more to his festive line of holiday merchandise all the time.
But there might be a problem that there aren’t enough Rusev Day shirts to go around and that’s why Rusev showed up to lend a hand. We rarely see the behind-the-scenes action of the WWE Merchandise Team, but when Rusev invaded their headquarters recently there was no choice but to give them a spotlight. After all, they do great work but unfortunately, Rusev still felt the need to kick it up a notch for them.
When Rusev showed up they obviously didn’t know what to think but they certainly couldn’t stop working because although Vince McMahon might ultimately call the shots, nobody is going to tell Rusev he’s not in charge.
This kind of video is exactly what Rusev needs to be doing. Hopefully, this Rusev Day gimmick will translate him into a babyface and WWE could have a goldmine on their hands if they don’t let it spoil. After all, it’s not every day when something starts so organically like Rusev Day and with all the merchandise he’s moving WWE would be wise to highlight him as much as possible. Therefore, it kind of goes without saying that it does nobody any favors to leave him off an episode of SmackDown Live.
After watching this video it not only shows a bit of Rusev which we seldom get to see, but it also wouldn’t be a big surprise if your next Rusev Day shipment comes via a very special delivery.